From Despair to Joy
What happens when you are in rush mode and it all goes wrong... disaster can happen and feelings of dread and despair. Find out how despair turns into joy for Amy.
Kylie Carpenter (Left), Amy Revell (Right), Cassidy Evans (Front)
During another of life’s busy balancing acts; this juggling act ended in a smash. While it wasn’t the end of the world; seeing the destruction must have felt dreadful. In the moment afterwards I can imagine Amy felt numerous emotions, shock, horror, anger, disbelief and a feeling of dread. I believe even a few tears shed.
A few months ago Amy was in rush mode to get out of the door. In her arms was everything she and her 3 children needed that day along with items for The Clothing Project. This also included the new Surface Pro tablet that was purchased to complete admin jobs for The Clothing Project. Unfortunately during the balancing act of getting everything into the car, the Surface Pro slipped and ended up on the concrete and sustained a very broken screen - cue devastated Amy.
Amy has been through the wringer in the past year or so. Since the Edgecumbe floods that flooded her garage, she has experienced one difficult circumstance after another including one written off car and her husband losing his job right before Christmas. I think most families can relate that money is tight and forking out to fix a broken screen when you are living week to week is a big ask.
While Amy was working on coming up with a solution; her family received devastating news – her Mother-in-law had passed away in a terrible car accident. When something like this happens to your friends, your only thought is to try and make them feel better. When you can’t cook very well like me; the one way I could reduce her burden was to come up with a solution to fix the Surface Pro screen.
I got in touch with Microsoft NZ informing them of the difficult year or so Amy had had and if they would be in a position to help me fix the screen and surprise her. I was really shocked when Kate from Microsoft got back in touch with me and only a week or so later received an email saying a replacement was on the way! Thanks to the kindness of the team at Microsoft NZ, The Clothing Project has a replacement Surface Pro. This is essential to the work we do as our new database has just come online. From the bottom of our hearts, thank you to Kate and the Microsoft NZ team. Your kindness not only blew Amy away; it has a real benefit in our community as we can continue to work hard to provide clothing for children.
Next blog I will provide details on the surprise reveal so keep an eye out!